Moshe Beeri - Software Engineering

Long long time ago, at the very start of web development, I found myself developing multi-tier web applications for PBX diagnostics. It was 1999 or something like that, bug 2000 was the new hot buzzword. But silly me, I thought that the world will last and that web programming is the next big thing, so I took the project, it was a big, huge company at the time they had a very nice market share in the PBX market at north america and they had a detailed description of a project that was about to use Java applets that communicates with a PBX and displays technical information to the user, so I took the project but I realized that web development will be match easy to implement and that it is more of the way I wanted to work.

So that was my first project in the world of web application, and it had all the good stuff, it had Javascript dynamically pulling data from the device on the network, and showing that data changes in real time, also provided a way to store in a database and query it according to very precise spec. A really great project for me to learn, but who cared how it looked? it was already science fiction, so I didn't master the css classes and all the styling stuff. Later on in my career I remembered that I didn't really know this styling stuff. Until now, That's it I set down to have a project that is all css, and styling, I styled it up from the start, I could do it in React or Angular or Vue, as it could be a project dedicated to learn more about those technologies, but I needed to break the css glass ceiling!

Have you heard the cracking glass sound?